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Tips for Seniors in Long-Distance Relationships

Tips for Seniors in Long-Distance Relationships

The internet has truly made the world smile. Modern apps allow us to send messages, images, and videos instantaneously to nearly every part of the world. Smartphones all have video calling features or apps that allow you to talk face-to-face. In the world of dating, modern tech has made long-distance dating easier. While it’s true that a two-dimensional screen is no substitute for the touch, smell, and general closeness, modern innovation has made the distance more palatable. 

At SilverSingles — the number-one senior dating app — our mission is to help mature adults make romantic connections. That sometimes means our members meet someone outside their immediate geographic region. Not everyone is open to long-distance dating, but if you are, this guide can help. 

The Challenges of Long-Distance Dating

If you’ve been in a long-distance relationship, you may already be aware of how difficult it can be at times. If this is the first time you’re considering it, you’ll find the following advice helpful. 

Scheduling Visits

There is no substitute for personal contact, so you will want to schedule a visit. It helps if you’re both on the same page about the frequency and duration of visits. For instance, maybe your partner’s business takes them to your city once per month. Is that enough for now, or do you want to visit them in their city three or four times per year? Establishing a relatively fixed schedule will help you avoid confusion, conflicts, and disappointment. 


Whether you’ve decided to date long-distance exclusively or you have agreed to see other people casually, jealousy can be problematic. Because you’re not in the same area, you have no choice but to take the other person’s word about how they’re spending their time. While trust is essential in any relationship, long-distance arrangements can be trying. You can help mitigate some of the apprehensions by having periodic check-ins where both partners can discuss how they’re feeling about the distance and whether or not it’s working for them. 


Many people who are in long-distance relationships have difficulty passing the time in the absence of their partner. While video chats can be helpful, they aren’t a substitute for a night out on the town, playing a game at home, or attending a party as a couple. Many successful long-distance couples find solace in supportive friend groups who are aware of the relationship. 

How to Build Trust from Afar

Few relationships survive without trust, but trust is also earned. How can you build trust when you may not see or even communicate with the other person on a daily basis? This is a significant challenge, especially if you’ve been burned in a past relationship. Here are some things to keep in mind when building trust. 

Assess Your Partner’s Trustworthiness from the Beginning

SilverSingles is one of the safest online platforms for members in their 50s or older. However, there are many sites that are rife with romance scammers. Their objective is to rapidly gain trust so they can exploit victims for money. The point is that having a healthy amount of mistrust at the beginning of a relationship is normal. You don’t know the person and if distance is involved, it can be even more difficult to detect scammers. Here are some questions that can help you build trust in a new person who lives away:

    Be hypervigilant at the beginning. If the person attempts to deceive you, just move on. 

    Trust In the Intermediate Stages of the Relationship

    You have been talking for a while and maybe you’ve met for a weekend, and you’ve decided that you’d like to trust them. There aren’t any tricks for building trust at this stage. If they’ve invested the time and energy to meet with you, they probably aren’t a scammer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can trust them. Here are some suggestions to help you foster a trusting relationship.

      Trust in a Long-Term, Long-Distance Relationship

      If you’re in a long-term relationship that has either taken you to different geographic regions or started in them, you might just need to take a leap of faith. You’ve been with this person a long time. Barring evidence to the contrary, you can probably assume that they’re trustworthy. If long-distance trust proves to be too difficult, you may consider moving to the same place.

      How to Establish Effective Communication Across the Miles

      Unless they’re on military assignment, you should be able to communicate regularly with your partner. This might involve some flexibility if they’re busy, but it’s essential to have regular contact. Here are some of the popular ways to communicate for seniors:

        Virtual Date Ideas for Seniors

        Long-distance dating doesn’t have to be bereft of romance. Here are some fun ideas for virtual dates:

          There are so many ways to share interests, you’re only limited by your imagination. 

          How to Manage Loneliness and Emotional Well-being

          Periods of loneliness are inevitable in long-distance relationships. Here are some tips from other seniors who have been in such relationships. 

            Long-distance relationships can be tough, but if it’s the right person, the payoff can be huge. If you aren’t in a relationship, SilverSingles ranks first in dating apps for over 50s. Give us a try for free. If you like the platform, you can upgrade to a Premium plan with no trouble. 

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